Mr. Dipanjan Sarkar
Intel AI
Dipanjan (DJ) Sarkar is a Data Scientist, a published author, and a consultant and trainer. He has consulted and worked with several startups as well as Fortune 500 companies like Intel. He primarily works on leveraging data science, advanced analytics, machine learning, and deep learning to build large-scale intelligent systems. He holds a master of technology degree with specializations in Data Science and Software Engineering. He is also an avid supporter of self-learning and massive open online courses. He plans to venture soon into the world of open-source products to improve the productivity of developers across the world.
Dipanjan has been an analytics practitioner for several years now, specializing in machine learning, natural language processing, statistical methods, and deep learning. Having a passion for data science and education, he also acts as an AI Consultant and Mentor at various organizations like Springboard, where he helps people build their skills on areas like Data Science and Machine Learning. He also acts as a key contributor and editor for Towards Data Science, a leading online journal focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Dipanjan has also authored several books on R, Python, Machine Learning, Social Media Analytics, Natural Language Processing & Deep Learning.